Weather Data from Around the Lake
At last count there were 11 private weather stations around the lake that are associated with 'WeatherUnderground.' Of these, 5 have mostly full records of daily average weather data for the years 2015 and 2016. These have been downloaded from WeatherUnderground and cleaned so that they are usable. The data is generally complete although there are some missing days here and there. Their accuracy cannot be vouched for, but it is data that may be of use. Here they are:
- Beckman's Peninsula(KMDSWANT5) - 2015
- Beckman's Peninsula(KMDSWANT5) - 2016
- Deep Creek Lake(KMDOAKLA9) - 2015
- Deep Creek Lake(KMDOAKLA9) - 2016
- Garrett College(KMDMCHEN1) - 2015
- Garrett College(KMDMCHEN1) - 2016
- Greenscapes(KMDFRIEN5) - 2015
- Greenscapes(KMDFRIEN5) - 2016
- Thousand Acres(KMDMCHEN1) - 2015
- Thousand Acres(KMDMCHEN1) - 2016
The weather parameters that are contained in these files are:
- Date, m/d/Y
- Average Air Temperature, °F
- Average Dew-point Temperature, °F
- Average Relative Humidity, %
- Average Wind Speed, mph
- Average Barometric Pressure, inches of Hg
- Total Precipitation, inches
The total annual precipitation for each of the locations and years are:
Beckman's Peninsula | 2015 | 43.69 | 2016 | 26.66 |
Deep Creek Lake | 2015 | 12.43 | 2016 | 29.5 |
Garrett College | 2015 | 44.8 | 2016 | 34.34 |
Greenscapes | 2015 | 40.19 | 2016 | 29.33 |
Thousand Acres | 2015 | 38.46 | 2016 | 34.01 |
This file has graphs for all of weather parameters, for all of the locations and for the two years.