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Youghiogheny Flow at the Tailrace

The flow in the Youghiogheny River just upstream of the tailrace is estimated by the following equation (Ref.1, p.3-5):"

  • QF = 0.8 * (2.275 * Q0.964)
  • QF = Discharge at Friendsville (cfs)
  • Q = Discharge at Oakland (cfs)
  • Qdc = 0.8 * QF
  • Qdc = Discharge Below Tailrace (cfs)

The flows at Oakland and Friendsville are obtained from USGS flow gages, stations #03075500 and #03076500 respectively. (Note that a different equation is proposed in Ref.1, p.4-33, namely Qdc = 1.68 * Qo0.97) See Also Ref.1, Appendix B of Appendix G

A graph showing the difference between these two relations is found here.


PLV: 9/16/2016
Updated: 10/17/2017
