Frequency Distributions of Rain and Dry Periods
Elsewhere are provided the precipitation data for Accident, MD. Here is presented a slightly different look at the data, namely in the form of histograms. For each year are plotted the number of days with given amounts of precipitation and the number of sequential days that there is no rain. Both may be important in an operation strategy. Here are the graphs:
- Precipitation and Dry Period Histograms for 2011
- Precipitation and Dry Period Histograms for 2012
- Precipitation and Dry Period Histograms for 2013
- Precipitation and Dry Period Histograms for 2014
- Precipitation and Dry Period Histograms for 2015
- Precipitation and Dry Period Histograms for 2016
Looking at these graphs, the maximum dry day stretch looks like around 30 days. Hence one strategy might be that enough water is retained in the lake at any time during the summer so that the demand during a 30 day drought period can be met.