Watershed Management
What is Watershed Management?
Watershed management is a term used to describe the process of implementing land use and water management practices to protect and improve the quality of the water and other natural resources within a watershed by managing the use of those land and water resources in a comprehensive manner.
What is Watershed Management Planning?
Watershed management planning is a process that results in a plan or a blueprint of how to best protect and improve the water quality and other natural resources in a watershed. Very often, watershed boundaries extend across jurisdiction boundaries. A comprehensive planning process that involves all stakeholders that are affected by the conditions in the watershed is essential to successful watershed management. The key-steps to develop a watershed management plan are described here.
What is Watershed Science?
The Watershed Management Plan describes the kind of things that should happen in order to keep the watershed functioning properly. Watershed Science is the use of scientific principles to define the specific actions needed to keep the watershed functioning in as natural of a way possible, yet keeping the emphasis on its enjoyment by its residents and visitors.
This website is unofficial, but complements the official DNR plan. and the unofficial site
The comment box on the right can be used to comment on the current webpage. Your comments are taken seriously and will be incorporated if appropriate.
To Science the Plan!
I have set up this website so that each topic that, in my opinion (which can be changed), needs to be addressed in the management plan has its own page. For each topic I'm thinking of trying to answer the following questions:
- What is so important about this specific subject matter?
- How could it deteriorate?
- How could we prevent it from deteriorating?
- How could we make it better?
Each topic also has a set of references or links to resource information or other works that have touched on the subject.
I believe that I have listed pretty much every topic, so it's time to start filling the empty pages.
I'm going to try this out with the web page dealing with history, which can be found under the "Introduction" menu. For the past few years, it seems that every three or four months I wind up searching the Internet for historical information about Garrett County, and every time I do find something new. So on we go...