SPORE logo

We are a small group of people, going by the name of SPORE, who are attempting to collect meaningful data and information about Deep Creek Lake and to provide some understanding on how best to use this magnificent resource. This website reports our findings.

We are concerned about the future well-being of the lake. If left to its own, the lake will transform into marsh land, something that most of us don't want to see happen. After all, it's a manmade lake, requiring manmade interventions when changes need to take place. We need to understand how it functions under the pressures of humanity. Check out the pages of this website. There is a great deal of information on it, over 400 pages. We welcome comments, inputs and help. There is a lot to be learned and in the process, I hope, to be appreciated.

This website is best viewed with Chrome, Firefox or Safari
The efforts reported herein, are a work in progress!
Your feedback, good or bad, is greatly appreciated. Check back often.

News!! (3/24/2016)

After a hiatus of a couple of years because of personal health matters and other commitments, I've come back to update this website with new and improved materials. I don't plan to make major visual or structural improvements to the site. My plan is primarily to update the things that have been going on for the past couple of years and provide documentation on many of the things I've done during the site's development.

The SPORE group still meets at the same place every Monday, Brenda's Pizzeria at noon, and anyone is welcome to join us for lunch and a healthy conversation. We've expanded to eight who come on and off. We discuss the same kind of issues, but just of more direct interest. We talk a lot about fracking. That has caused me to set up another website (garrettshale.com) that collects and categorizes information so that people can do their own investigations about the rights and wrongs. Basically our group is very leery of the technology and the gas development industry practices.

Recent Additions!!

Click on the image below for more - It changes daily, randomly.

Lake buy-down

Recent Changes

For all of the previous changes made to this website, check here..

Changes on: 8/30/2013

  1. Finally computed the stage-storage diagram, a plot of the volume of water in the lake as a function of lake level. This is particularly useful for the power company that operates the hydroelectric turbines.

Changes on: 8/26/2013

  1. Implemented a wiki, Dokuwiki, to support the development of the Deep Creek Lake Watershed Management Plan. See the last item in the menu on the left hand side. You may add info to it.

Changes on: 8/20/2013

  1. Asses a document that examines how well the bathymetry methodology works, and examines a new interpolation algorithm. Download here.

Changes on: 8/14/2013

  1. There was a hiccup in the data collection method (power failure) and a file got corrupted. It has been corrected and the lake level charts display current data again.

Changes on: 7/18/2013

  1. Just completed the bathymetry of the whole lake with a visually pleasing color scheme (8.7MB).
  2. All kinds of color schemes were investigated, some tell a story clearly showing the downwards sloping terrain towards the dam in which the lake was created.

Changes on: 2/4/2013

  1. Frequently asked questions of DNR A DNR set of answers to questions (FAQ), many which were asked at the recent Policy Review Board (PRB) meeting (Jan 2013), including expenditures, funding sources, water quality, sedimentation, sub-aquatic vegetation (SAV), algal blooms, lake level, and others.
  2. Subaquatic vegetation present in Deep Creek Lake. Appendix A of a report on SAV by DNR, describing the majority of the SAV species present in Deep Creek Lake. Note the links to other sources of SAV descriptions at the end of this document.

Changes on: 1/15/2013

  1. DNR map of areas from which methane concentrations from wells are desired. This map shows the areas DNR is interested in for samples of well water to determine methane content. Als available, is a DNR report describing the results from a sampling project for dissolved methane in 49 wells in Garrett County.

Changes on: 1/30/2013

  1. More tweaking since the last time. The website now operates under the HTML5 DOM in order to take advantage of modern tools. You might see a new change in the left bar - the current lake level is added (updated every 10 minutes) and checked to see of it is above the upper rule band or below the lower ruleband. If it does, then the appropriate value for the rule band is highlighted in green; red is not very contrasty.

Changes on: 1/19/2013

  1. A lot of tweaking has been done in the past few days, here and there, and fixed all broken links. We're working on some other additions, but they will take a few weeks to complete. In the meantime please, please, do provide feed back, good or bad. My testing software says that I have 1,739 links, all working.

Changes on: 1/16/2013

  1. Since the last update a lot of small changes and one big change have been made. The big change is a reorganization of the menu items and list them in alphabetical order. Just explore the website to discover them. It's shaking out that there are three major categories: Info, Projects and Topics. Info is generally collected information; Projects are topics that we have started some work on; Topics are graduated projects for which we have collected and generated plenty of information.

Changes on: 1/5/2013:

  1. We've started the new year, 2013…, hopefully on a good foot. HAPPY NEW YEAR to all. A couple of items have been added. Notable is an image of some topic of interest. Right now it is the daily average, maximum and minimum water levels and hours of generator time for all of 2012. It can be found under a new topic, "Analyses," on the left side menu, or you can go to it directly from here or click on the image above. In the near future this is going to be a random image every day which will direct you to an appropriate part of the website. Also added, under the same menu item, are some analyses of flow over the spillway during an extreme rain event.

"If we can but prevent the government from wasting the labours of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy." - Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Cooper, 29 November 1802 - Past Quotes

We apologize for such a detailed and complicated website, but we haven't had the time to make simple one! A modification of Pascal's Apology.