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About Us

SPORE (Stakeholders, Professionals, Old, Retired, and Experienced) is a small group of volunteers, mostly retired professionals living in the Deep Creek Lake area, who gather for lunch weekly at Brenda's Pizzeria to discuss various issues related to Deep Creek Lake. You can join us any time, Mondays at noon!

These discussion often lead to interactions with other people, Internet searches and retrieval of information, short term studies and analyses, collection and organization of data, much of this then put on this website.

Basically, we have taken on the following mission:

"To examine and clarify the many myths, confusions, false information, and conjectures that seem to be uttered and repeated at pretty much all of the public meetings that involve Deep Creek Lake matters."

Our discussions at lunch take us in many directions. We've been at it since right after the 2nd Workshop on "The Long-Term Well-Being of Deep Creek Lake," held Dec 3, 2011 at Garrett College.

That workshop, sponsored by the Property Owners' Association of Deep Creek Lake, commonly referred to as the POA, provided the impetus for our lunch meetings. There are many things that people in general do not know, do not understand or are misinformed about. With this website, we hope to set the record straight.

You too can help by sending us an email ( ) with any question you have that you like to see answered, or to help us with any aspect discussed on this website.

We hope that you find the information helpful.

Our general approach is to:

  1. Read the literature
  2. Draw upon our technical experience
  3. Gather data, particularly measurements, pertaining to lake issues
  4. Identify correlations among the data
  5. Interpret the data, often by simple modeling
  6. Present information and results in simple, easy to understand, terms and formats
  7. Make recommendations based on our findings

You too can make a difference!